The Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 aims to halve road deaths and reduce serious injuries by 2030, with the ultimate goal of eliminating road deaths by 2050 (1). The strategy focuses on creating a safe road environment and supporting road users to make safe choices (2). It addresses various factors that contribute to road trauma, such as driver behavior, vehicle safety, infrastructure improvements, and post-crash care (3). The strategy also emphasizes the importance of data and research, education programs, enforcement, and the use of innovation and technology to improve road safety (4). The document outlines the objectives, goals, and principles of the strategy, as well as the strategic focus areas and levers of change that will be used to achieve the desired outcomes. The strategy was developed by the Road Safety Partners of Victoria, with input from various stakeholders and the Victorian community (5).
Vision and Objectives:
The strategy is built on four key objectives:
- Ensure all Victorians are safe and feel safe on and around roads.
- Halve road deaths and progressively reduce serious injuries by 2030.
- Embed a culture of road safety within the Victorian community.
- Deliver a suite of initiatives that are achievable and impactful in the short term, while preparing the state for future opportunities.
Key Strategies:
The plan outlines various initiatives to address different aspects of road safety. Here are some key highlights:
- Safer roads infrastructure: This includes investing in safer road designs, improving intersections, and expanding dedicated cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.
- Safer vehicles: Encouraging the uptake of safer vehicles with advanced safety features like autonomous emergency braking and lane departure warnings.
- Safer speeds: Implementing evidence-based speed limits and enforcing them through technology and community engagement.
- Safer behaviour: Addressing risky driving behaviours like speeding, drink driving, and distraction through targeted campaigns and enforcement.
- Supporting vulnerable road users: Implementing initiatives to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, including education programs and infrastructure upgrades.
Building a Culture of Road Safety:
The strategy recognizes the importance of fostering a collective responsibility for road safety. This includes:
- Community engagement: Working with various stakeholders, including community groups, schools, and businesses, to raise awareness and promote safe road use.
- Education and training: Providing targeted education programs for different road user groups, including young drivers and professional drivers.
Leadership and collaboration: Working collaboratively with all levels of government, law enforcement agencies, and road safety organizations to achieve shared goals.
Victoria’s road safety journey has seen significant progress, but the ultimate goal of zero deaths remains a critical challenge. The Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 provides a roadmap for achieving this vision by focusing on a combination of infrastructure improvements, safer vehicles, responsible behaviour, and community engagement.
It’s important to note that this strategy is not a static document, and it will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the latest evidence and advancements in road safety.
For more information, you can visit the official Victorian Road Safety Strategy website: https://www.tac.vic.gov.au/road-safety/victorian-road-safety-strategy/victorian-road-safety-strategy-2021-2030
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